Our Impact
When VegFest says we want all of New England to be more veg-friendly, we mean it.
We aren’t resting until every corner of New England is filled with plant-based goodness: every restaurant offers a variety of plant-based dishes; people from diverse communities regularly choose plant-based options; and veg resources are readily available everywhere.
Our Strategy
Creating veg-friendly communities requires making changes at multiple levels. VegFest seeks to make the greatest possible impact by using multiple strategies, as follows:
- Providing inspiration and resources to help people learn about and try plant-based food
- Creating systemic changes to increase plant-based offerings at events and places
- Enabling people to gather to celebrate plant-based living and connect with others
- Building capacity in the local farm animal protection movement
We also believe that we are strongest when we work together, and we actively seek out collaborations with veg-friendly companies, non-profits, and other groups in order to expand our collective reach.
These strategies all intersect within our flagship program, the New England VegFest, an amazing day that brings together people interested in plant-based living to celebrate vegan food and causes. We carry the spirit of NEVF in all of our work.
Our Ultimate Impact
VegFest doesn’t promote plant-based living just because we love eating plants (although we definitely do). Ultimately, we inspire others to choose plant-based to reduce the use of animals for food. The beneficiaries of this reduction are many:

For the Animals
Each year, 70 billion farm animals around the world suffer as part of the industrial food production system. If we save one animal from this fate, we’ve made an impact—by combining multiple strategies and collaborators, we’re having the greatest possible impact, making a difference for countless animals.

For the Planet
Factory farming is wreaking havoc on our planet, producing enormous amounts of water and air pollution while driving mass deforestation. We promote food choices that are better for the environment as we work towards creating a thriving, sustainable planet.

For People
Eating a well-balanced plant-based diet confers a host of health benefits, including a lower risk for certain cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes as well as lower cholesterol. We help people learn about the health advantages of plant-based living so they can make choices that work for them.